Healing:- In my childhood I wanted to become a Doctor as I had an inclination for healing fellow beings. I some how got selected for Air force and gave up my desire. However I kept my desire alive. I therefore added Homeopathy to my hobby. When posted to remote locations, I had given homeopathic medicines in prevention of malaria and in viral fevers; I found them to be quite effective. I also learnt Reiki and got myself attenuated. I found both practices very effective on friends and family members.
Whatever be the cause of Reiki healing, one thing is for sure, the mind power, so called faith can achieve wonders. That is what the Reiki healing is all about, as I see it. I have combined Homeopathy healing with Reiki and have achieved great results. Besides these I don't hesitate using home made remedies, having no side effects. I feel that in very acute cases one must visit a Doctor, but in cases where symptomatic treatment can be given and in disease of chronic nature, Homeopathic does wonders.Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like.
I have found Aconite 30, to be very useful in very first symptoms of cough and cold or any other symptom like fever, pain appearing suddenly, on its onset. It can be given three times a day on empty stomach, i.e., no eatables and drinks taken, preferably an hour before or after the medicine. I advise all friends and family members to keep globules of Aconite, Chemomilla, Arnica , Rhus Tox, Nux vomica, Arsenic Album, Bryonia and Bellodona in 30 potency. i.e 30x, handy for homeopathic treatment. Teething, colicky pain, diarrhea, cough n cold are very common in children which can be effectively treated with homeopathy.
1 globule of Chammomila 30x, given three times a day, will make teething very smooth for infants. It will control diarrhea associated with teething, specially if it is greenish. Calcarea Phos 30x may also be given either by itself or in addition.
Arnica 30 or 200, is ideal medicine for children getting hurt frequently. Arnica 30 may be given 2 hourly, to prevent puss formation, and is good for early healing. Arnica is most effective for all types of wounds, injuries and contusions. Arnica 200 may be given if injury is of a grave nature. Frequency of medicine can be once or twice a day.
Nux Vomica 30, thrice a day is useful in constipation. It can do wonders in allergies which cause cough and cold. Nux Vomica in higher potency i.e 200 is effective to neutralize the reaction caused by certain kind of foods or side effects of medicines.
Tox 200 is good for effects of weather or climate change. If taken twice a day during change of weather, it acts as a preventive to bad effects of change in weather. Rhus tox is too good for pains coming on at rest and vanishing on movements.
Bryonia and Bellodona are good for treating coughs and colds caused due to weather changes.
Yoga in Health:- An adult above 12 yr must start Daily exercises. Yoga is a good practice both as an art and exercise. It is best to start with breathing exercises. i.e. breathing in and out for 5 minutes, followed by alternate breathing (Alom Vilom), for 5 minutes. Rest of breathing exercises can be seen as done by Swami Ramdev in early morning TV at Astha channel starting 0500 h. These are very useful. If one follows them for 40 days, he is sure to pick up as a habit and automatically get a grasp. I will definitely advise all youngsters to start yoga, at least once a day for an hour.
I will like readers to go through the blog on sufferings of Typhoid and healing at
Whatever be the cause of Reiki healing, one thing is for sure, the mind power, so called faith can achieve wonders. That is what the Reiki healing is all about, as I see it. I have combined Homeopathy healing with Reiki and have achieved great results. Besides these I don't hesitate using home made remedies, having no side effects. I feel that in very acute cases one must visit a Doctor, but in cases where symptomatic treatment can be given and in disease of chronic nature, Homeopathic does wonders.Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like.
I have found Aconite 30, to be very useful in very first symptoms of cough and cold or any other symptom like fever, pain appearing suddenly, on its onset. It can be given three times a day on empty stomach, i.e., no eatables and drinks taken, preferably an hour before or after the medicine. I advise all friends and family members to keep globules of Aconite, Chemomilla, Arnica , Rhus Tox, Nux vomica, Arsenic Album, Bryonia and Bellodona in 30 potency. i.e 30x, handy for homeopathic treatment. Teething, colicky pain, diarrhea, cough n cold are very common in children which can be effectively treated with homeopathy.
1 globule of Chammomila 30x, given three times a day, will make teething very smooth for infants. It will control diarrhea associated with teething, specially if it is greenish. Calcarea Phos 30x may also be given either by itself or in addition.
Arnica 30 or 200, is ideal medicine for children getting hurt frequently. Arnica 30 may be given 2 hourly, to prevent puss formation, and is good for early healing. Arnica is most effective for all types of wounds, injuries and contusions. Arnica 200 may be given if injury is of a grave nature. Frequency of medicine can be once or twice a day.
Nux Vomica 30, thrice a day is useful in constipation. It can do wonders in allergies which cause cough and cold. Nux Vomica in higher potency i.e 200 is effective to neutralize the reaction caused by certain kind of foods or side effects of medicines.
Tox 200 is good for effects of weather or climate change. If taken twice a day during change of weather, it acts as a preventive to bad effects of change in weather. Rhus tox is too good for pains coming on at rest and vanishing on movements.
Bryonia and Bellodona are good for treating coughs and colds caused due to weather changes.
Yoga in Health:- An adult above 12 yr must start Daily exercises. Yoga is a good practice both as an art and exercise. It is best to start with breathing exercises. i.e. breathing in and out for 5 minutes, followed by alternate breathing (Alom Vilom), for 5 minutes. Rest of breathing exercises can be seen as done by Swami Ramdev in early morning TV at Astha channel starting 0500 h. These are very useful. If one follows them for 40 days, he is sure to pick up as a habit and automatically get a grasp. I will definitely advise all youngsters to start yoga, at least once a day for an hour.
I will like readers to go through the blog on sufferings of Typhoid and healing at
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