Hi, I love to share my daily routine. For quite some time in life, almost till I was 50 years of age, I had no set routine. Time I got up was any where from 6 AM to 7 AM. I use to just get ready to attend office starting 7.30 AM. Over a period of time, I decided to have a healthy Routine. I get up at 0400 hrs. I drink 2 glasses of water and do yoga exercises for 1 hr. Followed by pranayam, done for 20 minutes by Ramdevji. I then take a glass of Luke warm water to which I add two table spoon of Aloe Vira juice, 2 table spoons of Amla juice and a tablespoon of honey.

I do Cycling for 20 minutes. I then go for a walk with my wife, for 1 hour. We walk and talk sweet n sour, but it keeps our circulation active. After all at this age of senior citizen, walking is the most convenient exercise. I come back, have tea, then do ablutions.

My day starts after breakfast at 0900h. I read a lot. I start with news paper. Then I start a book and read for some times. I am on some small course or the other which I enjoy. It is either a course on yoga or on financials, education, or investment.

I have my lunch dot at 1PM, after which I go for a nap of an hour and a half. Evenings are spent in  walk for an hour with my wife. Computer work followed by T V viewing, glass of wine and dinner. I am off to bed at 10PM. On week ends we go for meals out for one time. i.e lunch or dinner,on Sundays.

On Morning Walk:- It is better to walk on right side of road, as one can see the approaching vehicles. However in a place like Hyderabad, youngsters tend to come on right side of road on mo bikes. I do go to gardens frequently and pay for walk but that can't happen always. Its alright to walk with a partner when the time passes too fast. When walking alone, I tend to mentally recite certain shlokas  1008 times, otherwise daily walks could be monotonous. I think of the days routine as to what is the most important, I have to do during the day, followed by not so important and then things that I could do. I plan my day during morning walk and set a funny picture in my mind. It is like, if I have to go to the bank, first and ask the manager on transfer of funds, followed by second task of buying medicines for my daughter; I make a funny picture of going to Bank and pulling the hair of bank manager, then going to chemist dragging the bank guard along. This makes me remember the jobs I have to do. Any funny imagination is remembered in mind so I make sequence of funny imaginary story covering all my days routine. Just try this and you will never forget a job from sequence.

I would like to invite people to share there routine, so that I derive the good points of their Daily Routine. I am OK if there are any activities, any one thinks, I should adjust or reshedule. Comments and suggestions will be well taken.


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