Take Life Lightly:- I like to take things lightly in life, when it comes to day to day activities. People, at times, are found to be too serious, in day to day activities. Specially at young age, when one is on to making a career. People are tensed when small difficulty comes their way. I will opine that even in times of deep problem, one must know it isn't going to be permanently there. Ups and downs are part of life.
Good reply. 👍
Teacher :
“Can you tell the name of 2 great Kings who have brought happiness & peace into people's lives ?”
Student :
“Smo-king & Drin-king ” !!!
Teacher Fainted !
One should get access to good humour during his routine to keep relaxed. Some people are in the habit of playing games in talking double meaning dialogs or being sarcastic. Just don't respond and don't get into confrontation, to make life relaxed. I had a friend, who immediately understood sarcasm and responded vehemently. I asked him the reason. He replied "Boss, I like to give cash down". Well that is some peoples' way of life. They feel good when they have put down some one in argument or replied vehemently. However in the long run confrontation doesn't make relations. It only breaks. Walk out of a confronted situation .

On Relations:- First preference in life must be given to maintaining relationship. Whether it is friends or family members, relationship should not be damaged from your side, come what may. Relations first, money comes afterwards.

Life is a book of 3 pages. First and Last pages have been written by almighty. First Page is Birth, Last page is Demise. The center page is to be filled by us, with LOVE , FAITH and SMILE.

Stress Management:- Every one goes through stress some kind of stress during daily routine. Stress may be less or more depending on the situation. A friend of mine was so use to getting in stress, that he started the day by talking things, as if heavens are going to fall on him. He use to be stressed, whenever a new task was given to him. He use to be stressed if he had to manage an event. He was so much in stress, that taking stress became a habit in his life. This does not augur well for any of us. When in habit of getting into stress, in event of a problem coming up, one becomes a part of problem instead of becoming a part of solution. My friend landed up with problem of Hypertension subsequently.

A good method of stress management is, to do 'Shav Asana for 20 minutes, once a day. It could be at early in the morning or before going to bed. The Asana implies, Lying down on back as if totally unconscious, face up and both arms, slightly open, legs slightly apart. Normal breathing, and no thinking of any sort, for 20 minutes. This can be done, by keeping eyes closed and concentrating on breathing.
Another method to over come stress, is to be rest assured, that it is not a permanent happening, as it would pass of eventually. Some advise deep breathing, when feeling stressed.

Even anger causes stress. One should avoid losing temper. I have known commanders or executives losing temper at the drop of a Hat. Never lose temper, as it is going to harm the person getting angry. In addition short tempered person, besides damaging his own health, vitiates the environment. I asked my brother, as to why he shouts, hits and scolds his child. He replied that our father use to do the same to make us learn. This became a set idea in his mind. A large number of men do the same, believing that they are building discipline in their children.

I will advise every on to read the book "I am OK, You are OK" by Thomas A Harris  based upon the ideas of Transactional Analysis by Dr. Eric Berne. I am sure there will be no confrontations and no anger if one sincerely understands the book. The basic transaction analyses is explained in the book. The author brings out that every adult has a child in him when either sends a communication or receives a communication. The same adult also has a Parent and an adult when he communicates. Three basic flow of communications or transactions are:-
1. From Child to Parent  CHILD ----> PARENT
2. From Adult to Adult   ADULT -----> ADULT 
3. From Parent to Child  PARENT-----> CHILD
The communication is successful if it is received back in the same form as given. If it is from Child to parent, the reply should be from parent to child. Similarly if at times a child may speak as if an adult, and communicates accordingly to an adult, may be his parent. The reply should flow from adult to adult. In case the reply is from Parent to child, it results in cross communication and failure of the transaction.
A husband going to office early in the morning asks the where about of his socks (an adult to adult). The wife  replies "You can't even keeps your sox properly"(parent to child). There is a cross communication. Now husband replies 'You are always nagging'. Wife says "People in your family always nag me". The case has taken a different turn and topic has changed. There is a cross communication constantly. It is Parent to child from both sides. Next time when your wife or child speak, try to analyze the flow of transaction and respond in same direction. If it is Child to parent, the response should be from parent to child. In case the transaction is from parent to child, the response should be from child to parent. Similarly dialog of adult to adult should be replied in same direction avoiding cross transaction, resulting in emotions.

Resolve conflicts: In movies and books, conflicts actually add to the drama, they keep the audience on edge, they make the reader turn one more page. And they make the protagonist unravel one more hidden strength from his Armour. 

But in life conflicts can be a drain, they can waste a lot of time that could have otherwise been put to good use. Be it a conflict with yourself or with the world, the sooner it's resolved, the faster you will move toward your goals. So draw upon peace and sincerity, bring forth the skills you have to offer and watch the true you unfold. 

A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa & Swami Vivekanand
Swami Vivekanand:- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.
Swami Vivekanand:-  Why has life become complicated now?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Stop analyzing life.. It makes it complicated. Just live it.
Swami Vivekanand:-  Why are we then constantly unhappy?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.
Swami Vivekanand:-  Why do good people always suffer?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.
Swami Vivekanand:-  You mean to say such experience is useful?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.
Swami Vivekanand:-  Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.
Swami Vivekanand:-  Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.
Swami Vivekanand:-   In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.
Swami Vivekanand:-   What surprises you about people?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- When they suffer they ask, “why me?” When they prosper, they never ask “Why me?”
Swami Vivekanand:-  How can I get the best out of life?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.
Swami Vivekanand:-  One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- There are no unanswered prayers.  Keep the faith and drop the fear.  Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

I invite views of experienced people on the subject, in order to share with others.


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