Alcoholic Drinks:- I am a strong believer in healthy effects to Alcohol. I believe that whiskey is "water of life". However people at different times have consumed Alcohol in excess, to gain temporary enjoyment, thereby experiencing its effects on the brain and body. People in general have a very negative opinion of drinking.

I would like to start with my personal experience. On joining services in youth at the age of 20 years,
I had been posted to Air Force stations wherein the strength of bachelor officers was limited. This encouraged group of bachelors to have access to bars in the evenings. Being from the orthodox family, I had never had a hard drink before commissioning. On commissioning too, I could keep away from drinks for almost a month. My friends use to laugh at me, when every one ordered their drinks, and I use to order a glass of milk;  as our cook house and dinning hall were nearby, in the Officers' mess. I had no company as a teetotaler. As I liked to participate in discussion with my friends, whether on interesting or crap, topics. A drink or two, can give good stamina to go on with discussions, on all topics, on earth. One fine day, on advise of my friends, I tasted a brandy and enjoyed its good effects. I increased the drink to two units of brandy next day and started enjoying the stuff. After that I never looked back. Beer or gin in the afternoon and Rum, whiskey, or brandy at night to the extent of a few Large was the order of the day. The quantity increased day by day as I wanted to experiment the limit. I thought "sky is the limit". In those days we use to do a lot of physical activities, so we could digest good quantity as well. I started loving the bottle.
We use to go on exercises near border locations. It use to be fun driving long distances by 6 ton vehicles and specialist vehicles. We pitched tents to stay and have our various administrative facilities like dinning hall, conference hall offices etc. for the period of our exercises. We went on surveys. We had evening exercises and games.  However we relaxed by taking 6 to 8 large pegs of old monk rum and heavy dinner. We enjoyed hunting rabbits and winter birds by 12 bore rifle, followed by enjoying our hunt in dinner. Life was good and we could have a good stamina of consuming drinks as lot of physical activities were involved.

I was promoted in senior ranks, wherein responsibilities increased, however the habit of consuming alcohol increased. It was in evening parties weekly that drinking became excess and I had to take a vow to stop drinking. I could control for two to four good days after which the drinking to good no of pegs returned. Few incidences took place and then, my parents decided to tie the nuptial nod. I told my wife, that I take one bottle of rum but now after marriage, I will reduce to three fourth. Being a simple lady and not having any idea of effects of either one or three fourth of a bottle, she replied, as long as I don't get drunk it is OK for her. However I could not hide the effects of drinking for long. One day after the evening party noticing my drinking, she told me "enough is enough". The result was, I totally stopped drinking when my wife was around. I remained sober on good number of days, and to my wonder started liking the days when I didn't drink. The service life went on and on. I even stopped drinking for years together, or drank, only wine and beer. Occasionally, I tried my limit in parties, when my wife had to literally hold me to walk. But I had a lot of control. People find it difficult to stop drinking, I stopped drinking several times. I finally settled down at a drink or two when I started commanding units. One cannot afford to drink like a young officer when commanding a unit.

Today now at 63 years of age, I take a drink or two, of whiskey or brandy daily. I will like to give my personal opinion after this long experience. I have gathered opinions of experts and Doctors, who advice that it  is good to have up to three units of drink a day. I found it to be very effective. A glass or two of beer or 2 to 3 units of whiskey, are great appetizer and keep the blood pressure under control. It has a good effect on heart as well. By no means, I am advising that people who don't drink should start drinking. My advice is for the ones who take more than 2 to 3 units to reduce it to a healthy level.

I would like to invite the opinions of all people, in consumption of alcohol. Should alcoholic drinks be consumed or not? If so in what frequency. It should be frank opinion, bringing out their experiences and feelings, on consuming alcohol. I would also like to opine, on any doubts, about good effects of, healthy alcohol intake.


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